Übersetzungen für die Chemieindustrie

Translation agency for the chemical industry

Specialist translator for the chemical industry

This page has been machine translated and post-edited. This page is an example of what machine translation and post-editing are capable of.

Optimized translation processes for the chemical industry

With our specialized translations, the chemistry is just right

According to a report by the German Chemical Industry Association (Verband der Chemischen Industrie e. V.), the chemical industry in Germany generated sales of 248.8 billion euros in 2021, ranking third in the world after China and the USA.

With almost 229 billion euros, the German chemical industry is the world’s largest exporter of chemical-pharmaceutical products. So when it comes to exports, German chemical companies are world champions. These figures illustrate the importance of the chemical industry for the German economy. They also underline how important smooth communication in all the world’s languages is for the chemical industry.

It is hard to visualise everything that belongs to the chemical industry: food additives, paint industry, inorganic chemical products, personal care products, pharmaceutical products and much more.

For exporting chemical and pharmaceutical companies, compliance with the strict EU regulations on chemicals is essential. Therefore, professional specialized translations are particularly important for all industries that use chemicals in their supply chain in the European Union.

As the chemical industry touches virtually every aspect of our lives, translators for this industry are confronted with a multitude of specialist fields. Environmental issues, labour law and occupational health and safety, agribusiness, digitalisation and AI, energy supply and more.

With the right translation strategy you can benefit from these developments. However, there are some pitfalls you should be aware of. Read on to find out how D.O.G. GmbH can help you.

Translation according to the mother tongue principle
We translate into all languages

Do you need a translation? We will send you a quote within the shortest possible time. Send us your request with this quote form.

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Für größere Volumina: unser Transferlaufwerk nutzen

D.O.G. GmbH

D.O.G. GmbH, professional translation partner for the chemical industry

Our team supports you from the request for quotation to the delivery of the translation. D.O.G. GmbH specializes in the translation of the following texts or topics in the chemical industry:

Herausforderungen beim Übersetzen von Texten
Translations for the chemical industry
Four major challenges in chemistry translation

With the D.O.G. translation solution, you will overcome these four challenges:

  1. Quality: We deliver translations that are technically, legally and linguistically correct.
  2. Time: We can meet delivery deadlines at short notice if required.
  3. Technique: We observe the technical properties (e.g. format, tags, coding, links, multimedia) in all translation projects.
  4. Costs: Our technologies and workflows reduce translation costs, especially for multilingual translation projects.
Questions about the translation of chemical texts
What does a translation cost in the chemical industry?

The translation costs in the chemical industry are mainly determined by the volume of the text to be translated. When determining the translation volume, any text repetitions (redundancies) or possible translations from previous projects (100% matches or context matches) are taken into account.

Sometimes additional efforts are required, e.g. if text has to be extracted from a video or graphics file for translation. Or if the foreign language version of a video is to be spoken.

We offer very competitive prices for text translations from the chemical industry. We will be happy to provide you with an individual translation quotation for your project, including all possible cost savings and discounts for text redundancies or previously translated texts from previous translation projects. We are happy to set these parameters in a framework agreement with more favourable conditions so that each project does not have to be quoted separately.

How long does it take to translate for the chemical industry?

For a high-quality translation for the chemical industry, the specialized translators concerned must have time for terminology research and for the quality assurance of their work.

However, sometimes the translation needs to be done particularly quickly. D. O. G. GmbH can translate texts from the chemical industry into several foreign languages in parallel. We can put together teams of translators or, in special cases, offer machine translation + post-editing in consultation with you. In the case of larger translation projects, partial deliveries are possible at any time.

What qualifications are required for translators in the chemical industry?

For the chemical industry, not only linguistic know-how and good knowledge of theculture of the target groupare required. Equally important is a solid technical knowledge in the various fields andgood knowledge of European regulations.

That is why our technical translators have not only linguistic skills, but above all a high level of expertise in their respective fields of specialization.

Terminologiearbeit in der Chemiebranche

Systematic terminology work is the guarantor of quality

One of the biggest challenges for translators in the field of chemistry is to understand and apply terminology from diverse fields such as theREACH terminologyor thebiocide terminology.

This is how we work

Processing of translation projects

Project management, process optimization and customer portal

This is how the cooperation with our customers works.

Use of technology in translations for the chemical industry

Here is how technologies help you achieve better results.

We take quality at its word

Quality and time saving of translations

Terminologiemanagement bei der Chemie

Terminology management

Language in the chemical industry is highly specialized and often covers several subject areas simultaneously. In the field of mass spectrometry alone, there are a multitude of technical terms. What is the correct German translation of “Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance“? Is it “Fourier-Transform-Ionen-Zyklotron-Resonanz“, or “Fourier-Transform-Ionenzyklotronresonanz” or still “Ionenzyklotronresonanz“?

International cooperation in the chemical industry requires a common terminology so that everyone involved can communicate perfectly. Our specialized translators therefore access various internationally recognised terminology databases, such as IUPAC Nomenclature.

For some terms, there is often more than one translation option.

To ensure that translations are consistent, we record the project terminology in our terminology management system LookUp. This saves us time and effectively contributes to the quality of the translations. This is a great advantage, especially for projects involving different staff, both on your side and ours.


Quality management according to ISO 17100

We regularly check our specialized translators for their professional qualifications. D.O.G. GmbH has already been audited and certified according to the ISO 17100 standard several times. We can prove that the professional qualifications of the translators and internal staff are met. In addition, we continuously train our employees.

We only assign translators who translate into their native language. For recurring orders, we usually always use the same specialized translators.

The translations of D.O.G. GmbH are proofread according to the dual control principle. Our quality assurance software ErrorSpy supports our proofreaders and revisers in quality control.

Qualität bei der Übersetzung
Geheimhaltung vertraulicher Texte


Of course, we guarantee contractually that all information and data concerning your translation projects will be treated with absolute confidentiality. We have put in place appropriate measures and regulations to ensure that all staff involved comply with these.

We are happy to sign appropriate non-disclosure agreements for all translation projects.

This is what we translate

We are specialized in

Audited according to the dual control principle

We translate these texts in the field of chemical industry

Our complete solution for the chemical industry

D.O.G. GmbH

The languages we offer

We also offer the reverse language combinations, e.g. Arabic-German.

Five good reasons
Why D.O.G. GmbH?

Contact us! In a non-binding online consultation, we will discuss what optimization potential exists in your company and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Contact us!

In a no-obligation online meeting, we discuss what optimization potential exists for chemistry translations and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

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