Professional translations by native speakers
The languages we translate into
- Convenient processing via our customer portal
- Translation of technical texts, marketing materials, contracts
- Cost reduction through technology: translation memories and machine translation
Specialized translators for over 70 foreign languages
Professionally and linguistically qualified native speakers of the respective target language
As a full-service provider, D.O.G. GmbH translates specialized texts into all languages and thus also into all important commercial languages.
Whether you need technical texts such as operating instructions, safety instructions, technical data sheets, assembly instructions or set-up instructions translated into one or several foreign languages, we are at your disposal with our comprehensive translation service.

“Talk to us. We not only take your task seriously, but also the details. You benefit from a complete service at the highest technical level.”
Quality assurance according to the dual control principle
Overview our language combinations
For all foreign languages (including those not listed here), please contact us for a no-obligation quote!
Many subject areas, many industries
Language specialists with experience and expertise
Of course, not only technical texts can be translated into the above-mentioned foreign languages, but also advertising texts, marketing texts, legal texts, patents, economic texts, software texts, user interfaces of software products (software localization), catalog data, websites and e-commerce content, as well as many other types of text.
Our translators support customers from various industries such as mechanical and plant engineering, commercial vehicle manufacturing, the electrical and electronics industry, the environmental sector, the agricultural industry and agriculture, healthcare, the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, information technology, logistics and many more.
Translation into all languages
We translate into all languages
Do you need a translation? We will send you a quote within the shortest possible time. Send us your request using this quote form.
Rare language combinations also available
Frequently requested language combinations
- German - Arabic translation
- German - Bulgarian translation
- German - Chinese translation
- German - Danish translation
- German - English translation
- German - Estonian translation
- German - Finnish translation
- German - French translation
- German - Greek translation
- German - Italian translation
- German - Japanese translation
- German - Korean translation
- German - Croatian translation
- German - Latvian translation
- German - Lithuanian translation
- German - Dutch translation
- German - Norwegian translation
- German - Polish translation
- German - Portuguese translation
- German - Romanian translation
- German - Russian translation
- German - Serbian translation
- German - Slovak translation
- German - Slovenian translation
- German - Swedish translation
- German - Spanish translation
- German - Czech translation
- German - Turkish translation
- German - Hungarian translation
- German - Vietnamese translation
Another SEO headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Another SEO headline
Loremipsumdolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Another SEO headline
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Another SEO headline
Loremipsumdolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Do you need specialized translations that are also accurate?
You know that it is not enough to speak only one language. We find the right specialist translators who also understand your field. We tell you how you can save costs with technology. Contact us without obligation.