Zentrales Terminologiemanagementsystem LookUp

Terminology software LookUp

The system for central terminology management

A collaboration platform for joint terminology building

Make your terminology accessible to all!

LookUp is a very powerful program. You will receive a free online introduction. We guide you through the different menus and functions and are always available for questions afterwards.

Main features


Try LookUp for free for 30 days

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

You want to create your own dictionary? Then try LookUp! With LookUp you can import a word list and create a ready-made dictionary in just a few steps. You can edit, add or translate the entries. You can export the result of your work to a format like CSV or TBX at any time. Use the many features of LookUp and convince yourself of the quality and usefulness of a terminology management system.

We offer you free access to LookUp for one month and support you in creating and building your dictionary. We want you to be satisfied with LookUp and to be convinced by our offer.

Support und Hilfe LookUp Terminologiesystem
Play Video about Support und Hilfe LookUp System
LookUp FAQs
Frequently asked questions about LookUp

Terminology management in a low-cost subscription. Can be canceled monthly.

LookUp rent and purchase prices

Rental prices

*) Contracts for LookUp Basic, Professional, and Premium are not automatically renewed. All prices are subject to VAT (Value Added Tax).

Purchase prices
LookUp Unit per unit €*⁾
License for 5 named users *⁾ (including user documentation - one user can be used generically)
1 License
8.900 €
Additional individual licences (named users)
1 License
50 €
Maintenance contract incl. ongoing updates
per year
20% from the license price
Optional support for installation of LookUp, short introduction for the system administrator
Remote support available, dependsingon your system environment and needs.
per day
1.200 €
Terminology extraction
2.500 €
Training Level I Introduction
1.000 €
Training Level II Advanced
1.000 €
Training Level III Administrators
1.450 €
Training Level IV Knowledge Management
1.450 €
Individual training or consulting (on-site training for groups possible)
on request

*⁾ All prices are subject to VAT at the statutory rate.

Scalable thanks to modularity. You only pay for what you need.

LookUp modules and functions

Lookup Statistik-Modul

Statistics module

With LookUp’s statistics module, you can create statistical evaluations and thus increase the benefit of your terminology work.

Your benefit:

Knowledge module

With the knowledge module, LookUp can be extended to a knowledge-based terminology management system. It allows to establish relationships between terms in the database and to display them graphically.

Your benefit:

LookUp Wissenseinheit

Workflow module

With LookUp’s workflow module, terminology processes can be automated. This is achieved by assigning tasks (individually or bundled) with scheduled completion dates.

Your benefit:

Linguistic terminology extraction

Since January 2024, LookUp has offered an innovative function for linguistic terminology extraction. Based on defined grammatical patterns such as noun, adjective + noun, or noun + noun, the search algorithm scans loaded files (text, Word, or PDF) for corresponding term candidates and word groups. By integrating a stop word list, frequently occurring, non-terminological words such as “always” or “the” can be ignored, which makes the extraction more precise.

After extraction, the terms are compared with the entries in the database using the lemmatised form (basic form). The user then has the option of selecting the relevant terminology candidates and importing them into the LookUp terminology database at the touch of a button. Optionally, sentence examples can also be imported to illustrate the use of the term.

This innovative function makes terminology work much faster and more efficient, making LookUp an indispensable tool for those working in the technical communication industry.

Terminologieextraktion in LookUp

Knowledge-based terminology work in teaching

Academic Partner Program of D.O.G. GmbH

Familiarize your students with innovative technologies in terminology management

Terminology occupies an important place in most courses of study for technical writers/editors, translators/translators, or related professions.

D.O.G. Dokumentation ohne Grenzen GmbH would like to give universities and colleges the opportunity to use a field-tested and innovative terminology management system in the classroom at special conditions with its academic program.

The cloud-based terminology management system LookUp

LookUpis a next-generation, intelligent, cloud-based terminology management system with a knowledge component. With LookUp, users can capture, manage and provide their terminology. LookUp is concept-oriented, i.e. synonymous designations are combined under a common concept.

LookUp allows you to freely design your data model and has a variety of functions and features that make working with terminology easier: extensive import and export formats, creation of user groups with different rights, an advanced search function or a powerful filter function.
Knowledge can be created through individual relations. For example, the concepts university – teacher – teaching – degree – student can be linked with relations such as “leads_to”, “is_part_of”, and so on. The graphical concept maps that can be created with LookUp are an efficient tool for students in the classroom.
LookUp is used by technical writers, technical translators and knowledge workers. It has an API for integration with other applications and can be used together with SDL Studio or MemoQ.

Special conditions for universities and colleges

D.O.G. GmbH would like to support universities in their knowledge and terminology work and offers the following conditions:

In addition, we support lecturers with didactic material on request:

Terminologiemanagementsystem für den Unterricht
Useful functions of LookUp in teaching
LookUp for the classroom

LookUp offers instructors many options for teaching:

LookUp connector for memoQ

Access to the LookUp terminology from MemoQ

Integration of LookUp in memoQ

The terminology management system LookUp can be seamlessly integrated with memoQ.

This integration of LookUp is done through a plugin and a Rest API provided by us. The plugin must be activated, so LookUp is fully available to you in the familiar environment of memoQ.

Through this integration, LookUp offers you considerable advantages over the “normal” memoQ interface.

For example, integrate your company-specific terminology and benefit from LookUp’s unique knowledge portal.

LookUp connector for Trados Studio
Integration of LookUp in Trados Studio

Rental prices for LookUp

Choose the right pricing model for your terminology management

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Are you planning to implement a terminology management system?

Then let LookUp convince you! The user-friendly system offers you numerous functions and setting options for your individual needs. Contact us for a free consultation and a non-binding trial version.

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