Ihr Partner für medizinische Übersetzungen

Translation agency for medicine and medical technology

Quality-checked translations by medical experts

This page has been machine translated and post-edited. This page is an example of what machine translation and post-editing are capable of.

Automatic translation processes for medical technology

Process optimization and intelligent technologies for medical translations

Whoever looks at the academic curricula in the field of medicine very quickly gets an impression of the versatility and complexity of this field in the broadest sense. So there is no one medical specialized translator who is qualified for all medical fields and for all possible types of texts. It is therefore extremely important to select the appropriate specialized translator for your project, because mistakes can have serious consequences.

The incorrect use of a medical device or the wrong medication due to an incorrect translation can cause injuries to the patient or medical staff and high health risks. D.O.G. GmbH offers professional translations for the medical industry. Our specially trained team will provide you with an all-round service from the request for a quote to delivery. D.O.G. GmbH is at your disposal with its expertise of more than 70 languages!

Translation into all languages
We translate into all languages

Do you need a translation? We will send you a quote within the shortest possible time. Send us your request using this quote form.

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This is what we translate

Translation services of D.O.G. GmbH

D.O.G. GmbH. provides translations of the following documents and papers in the field of medicine:

Herausforderungen bei medizinischen Übersetzungen
Over 20 years of industry experience
These four points are important

We help you to master these challenges:

  1. Qualification: Only those who are medically trained can correctly understand the many technical terms and abbreviations
  2. Communication: When communicating with patients, understandable but correct terms must be used.
  3. Costs: The use of translation memory technologies reduces the translation volume
  4. Deadlines: Standardized procedures and process automation shorten the processing time


Frequently asked questions about medical translations
Do doctors also translate for you?

Yes, among the specialized translators we use there are also doctors with a mother tongue other than German. However, most of our specialized translators are medical or medical technology translators who have studied medicine or attended advanced training in medical fields. Some have specialized in medical topics out of self-interest and have several years of practical experience as translators in their fields.

How expensive are medical translations?

Most medical translations we offer cost about the same as in other specialties such as law, electrical engineering or finance. The prices depend on the language combination and the volume of the texts to be translated. Existing translations or repetitions within the text are taken into account when calculating the volume of the text. Any additional tasks such as the translation of graphics or the subtitling of videos are included in the cost calculation.

Is the DIN EN ISO 13485 standard relevant for translators?

Yes. This standard is entitled Medical devices – Quality management systems – Requirements for regulatory purposes. Certification according to DIN EN ISO 13485 is a prerequisite for medical device manufacturers to be able to sell their products. Among other things, DIN EN ISO 13485 specifies requirements for technical documentation. For products imported into the EU without translation, the EU Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) requires that “Distributors and importers shall ensure that they have a quality management system that includes procedures to ensure that the translation of information is accurate and up to date (…)” (Art. 16).

Systematische Terminologiearbeit bei medizinischen Übersetzungen
For error-free communication

Building-up a multilingual medical terminology

The collection and maintenance of a specialized terminology is extremely important for the quality of medical translations. It forms the basis for the work of translators and revisers in all required languages.

Customer portal, technologies and automation

How we organize your translation projects

Translation technologies for medical translations

Appropriate technologies and processes are critical in medical translations:

Our recommended process for the medical industry

Our customers have the option of processing their inquiries, projects and communications via a secure customer portal. Access is secured and the portal offers extensive statistics and other services in addition to the ability to request quotes or place orders.

Translation quality is no coincidence

Why we can guarantee quality

Fachübersetzungen für die Medizinbranche

Translators with expertise for the medical industry

For translations in the field of medicine and medical technology, existing expertise in the industry is extremely important. Therefore, the translators of D.O.G. GmbH have not only linguistic qualifications, but also a high level of expertise in the respective fields.

Of course, our translators, with some exceptions, are not practicing physicians. Nevertheless, they have a sound general medical education, covering topics such as human anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. They then specialize in individual topics and text types.

In doing so, they know the relevant terminology, abbreviations and acronyms. They are able to recognize that AC means acromioclavicular joint, or rather stands for shoulder corner joint. They know which databases and nomenclatures are relevant to their subjects.

Our translators are regularly checked for their professional qualifications. As a service company that has been audited several times, D.O.G. GmbH can prove that the specialist qualifications of the translators and internal staff are available in accordance with the ISO 17100 standard.

Only translators who translate into their native language are used.

Your texts in different formats

You can give us your content in a variety of formats. We can take data from content management systems or editorial systems such as Schema ST4 or TIM-RS and return it to you in such a way that it can be imported directly into your respective system. This eliminates the additional step of preparing the data on your side.

If necessary, our DTP department adapts the layout of the translated files to the specifics of the target language: different text lengths, encodings, right-to-left languages such as Hebrew or Arabic and much more.

We can process special formats and encodings. From machine texts, software messages to PO or TEX files. Of course, if required, we make sure that display texts do not exceed the specified length – whether in characters or pixels.

Content in unterschiedlichen Formaten
Revision der Übersetzungen im Medizinbereich


Given the sensitivity of much of the information (including patient-related information) involved in medical translation, the highest possible level of confidentiality is required. We guarantee this contractually both for our company and for all employees involved in the translation process.

Other services

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Reliable and good
Why we are the right partner for you

Contact us! In a non-binding online consultation, we will discuss what optimization potential exists in your company and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

All from one source

Our complete solution for your medical translations

Our services at a glance:

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Get in touch!

Do you need help with the translation of medical texts? Then you can count on us. We have the necessary medical knowledge and always ensure the highest confidentiality. Let’s discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.

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