Übersetzungen für die Elektrotechnikindustrie

Translation agency for the electrical industry

Technical translator for electronics and electrical engineering

This page has been machine translated and post-edited. This page is an example of what machine translation and post-editing are capable of.

Automated processes for translation in the electronics industry

Translations that convince your customers

The electronics and electrical engineering industry is part of our daily lives. Likewise, most industrial companies could not function without their products. Household appliances, smartphones, heaters, consumer electronics, electrical equipment, electrical drives, control systems and much more are produced by the electrical and electronics industry.

In 2020, the German electrical and electronics industry employs 873,000 people and generates a total turnover of almost 182 billion euros. This makes electrical engineering and electronics the second largest industrial sector in Germany after mechanical and plant engineering. The export share of 52.5% (2018) clearly shows how great the need for specialist translations is in the electronics and electrical engineering industry.


The electronics and electrical engineering sector is actually a generic term for many individual industrial sectors. With just under 280,000 employees (2019), the automation industry is one of the largest employers in the electronics and electrical engineering sector. Other areas such as industrial goods, energy technology, information technology or construction elements have a large share in this industry. The topics that appear in texts that specialized translators work on are correspondingly diverse. They are topics such as Industry 4.0, IoT, charging stations for electric cars, photovoltaics, smart city, automotive electronics and much more. In addition, there are many national (DIN and VDE) as well as European and international standards that have a influence on the technical language and the terminology to be adhered to.

The correct translation and communication strategy can help you fully exploit the market potential abroad. However, there are some pitfalls you should watch out for. Find out below how D.O.G. GmbH can help you.

Electronic translations into all languages
By translators specialized in electronics

The documentation of an electrical installation in English? Or your website in Spanish? We will send you our offer in the shortest possible time

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Over 20 years of specialization in the electronics industry

Electronics translators with know-how

D.O.G. GmbH offers professional translations for the electrical engineering and electronics industry. Our team will support you from your initial enquiry through to the delivery of the translation. D.O.G. GmbH specialises in translations for the following topics or areas in the electrical engineering and electronics industry:

Herausforderungen meistern
Translations for the electrical engineering and electronics industry
Four challenges with electronics translations

With our know-how in the field of electronics, we help you to master these challenges.

    1. Understandable translations: Electronics translations in a language that the target audience knows and understands.
    2. Fast translations: Availability of capacity for extensive documentation.
    3. Standard-compliant translations: Taking into account the language requirements of the relevant standards (e.g. DIN VDE 0100) during translation.
    4. Reduction of translation costs: Use of technologies and processes to reduce the costs of electronics translations, especially in multilingual translation projects.
Questions and answers about electronics translations
How much does a translation cost in the electrical and electronics industry?

The translation costs in the electrical engineering and electronics industry depend mainly on the volume of the text to be translated and on the technical requirements of the translation project. When determining the translation volume, any text repetitions (redundancies) or possibletranslations from previous projects (100% matches or context matches) are taken into account.

Sometimes additional efforts arise, e.g. if text has to be extracted from a video or graphics file for the translation. Or if the foreign language version of a video is to be spoken. We offer very competitive prices for text translations from the electrical engineering and electronics industry. We will be happy to provide you with a tailor-made translation quote for your project, including all possible cost savings and discounts for text redundancies or already translated texts from previous translation projects.

What is the time required for a translation for the electrical and electronics industry?

A prerequisite for a high-quality translation for the electrical engineering and electronics industry is that the corresponding qualified specialized translators have time for terminology research and for the quality assurance of their work.

Sometimes, however, the translation has to go very quickly. With D.O.G. GmbH you can also translate texts from the electrical engineering and electronics industry parallel into several foreign languages. We can form translation teams or, in special cases, offer machine translation + post-editing after consultation with you. Partial deliveries are possible at any time for extensive translation projects.

What qualifications are required for translators in the electrical engineering and electronics industry?

In electronics and electrical engineering, not only very good language skills and cultural competencies are required. Equally important is a solid technical knowledge in the respective field. The specialist translators of D.O.G. GmbH therefore not only have linguistic qualifications, but also a high level of technical competence, which they have acquired throughyears of practice and further training.

Systematische Terminologiearbeit bei der Elektronik

Systematic terminology work for good translations of electronics texts

Is there a German equivalent to the American GFCI socket (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter)?

One of the greatest challenges for translators is to build linguistic and content bridges between concepts from different cultures and countries. Terminology work contributes to this.

How we organize electronics translations

Process for translation projects for the electronics industry

Project management, process optimization and customer portal

For translations in the electrical engineering and electronics industry, D.O.G. GmbH uses optimized translation processes. In this way, we ensure high quality with minimized translation costs:

Use of technology in translations for the electrical and electronics industry

The right technology and the right workflows make all the difference in our translations for the electrical and electronics industry.

Keeping your electronics products safe

Guaranteed quality for electronics translations

Terminologiemanagement Elektrotechnik

Management of electronics terminology

Language in the electrical engineering and electronics industry is highly specialized and often covers several areas at once. In the digital circuit technology alone, there are a multitude of technical terms. What is the difference between the German “flankengesteuertes Flipflop (edge-controlled flip-flop)” and “pegelgesteuertes Flipflop (level-controlled flip-flop)”? May “latch” be translated as “zustandsgesteuertes Flipflop”? Without specialist knowledge, the translator has no way of producing a correct translation.

International cooperation in the electrical engineering and electronics industry requires a common terminology if all participants are to communicate flawlessly. That is why our specialized translators use various internationally recognised terminology databases such as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). Publications from DIN (https://www.din.de/de) or IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) are regularly used by our translators and terminologists for terminology research.

For certain terms, there is often more than one translation option. To ensure that translations are consistent, we record project terminology in our terminology management system LookUp. This saves time and effectively contributes to the quality of the translation. This is particularly beneficial for projects involving several people on your side.

Quality management for electronics translations

We regularly check the professional qualifications of our translators for texts on electronics. The ISO 17100 standard also applies to texts from the electrical engineering and electronics sector and D.O.G. GmbH has already been audited and certified according to this standard several times. We can document that our translators and employees have the necessary qualifications in the field of electronics and electrical engineering and that they regularly undergo further training. We only assign electronics translators who translate into their native language.

In the case of recurring orders, we usually always use the same electronics translators. D.O.G. GmbH translations are proofread according to the dual control principle. Our quality assurance software ErrorSpy supports our quality checkers or proofreaders by, for example, verifying consistent adherence to electronics glossaries.

Qualität bei der Übersetzung
Geheimhaltung vertraulicher Texte

Confidentiality in electronics translations

Last but not least, we contractually guarantee the confidentiality of all information and data relating to your electrical and electronic translation projects. We have appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure that this is adhered to by all those involved. We are happy to sign confidentiality agreements for all translation projects.

These specializations are interesting for our electronics customers

This is what we offer for your electronics texts

Electronics translations by native speakers

We translate these texts in the field of electrical engineering and electronics industry

Six good reasons
Why choose D.O.G. GmbH?

Contact us! In a non-binding online consultation, we will discuss what optimization potential exists in your company and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

Flexible service for your translations of texts on electronics

Our complete solution for the electrical engineering and electronics industry

Our services for electronics customers at a glance:

Electrical engineering translators in 70 languages

The languages that we offer

We also offer the reverse language combinations, e.g. Arabic-German.

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Do you have a need for electronics translations?

Contact us! In a non-binding online consultation, we will discuss what optimization potential exists for your translation projects and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

Customer testimonials
Our references in the electrical engineering and electronics industry
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