Webseite übersetzen für Reise und Tourismus

Translation agency for the travel industry and tourism

Professional translator for the travel industry

This page has been machine translated and post-edited. This page is an example of what machine translation and post-editing are capable of.

Convenient processing via our customer portal

Professional tourism translations that reach your customers

People mostly prefer to communicate in their native language. For the travel and tourism industry in particular, this means that digital as well as classic information material should be available in the respective native language of the guest.

Multilingual information thus increases customer satisfaction and acceptance of your products and services, and good and accurate translations also reflect the original intention of the text.

Translation into all languages
We translate into all languages

Do you need a translation? We will send you a quote within the shortest possible time. Send us your request using this quote form.

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With quality guarantee

Professional translation services of D.O.G. GmbH

D.O.G. GmbH. provides translations of the following documents and texts related to the tourism and travel industry

Die Herausforderungen für Übersetzungen für die Tourismus und Reisebranche
Therefore D.O.G. GmbH

Common challenges for the tourism and travel industry

With us, you will master these four challenges:

Frequently asked questions about tourism translations
Can hotel ratings be translated instantly?

When it comes to hotel or restaurant reviews, fast and cost-effective translation is essential. With automated processes and the use of machine translation, you can get these translations without much delay. If desired, with subsequent quality control.

Into which variant of Spanish should you translate?

Spanish today comes in many varieties. Castilian or Spanish as the official language of Spain, but also Spanish for Mexico, Peru and some other countries. Different words are used especially in relation to everyday language, food and customs. If you don’t have the budget for different translation options, go with the language of the country where most of your clients live. In case of doubt, Spanish for Spain.

What are the most spoken languages in the world in 2022?

There are an estimated 7,139 languages currently spoken by 7.75 billion people in the world. The 11 most widely spoken are:

  1. English (1,132 million speakers, of which 370 million are native speakers)
  2. Mandarin (1,117 million speakers)
  3. Spanish (534 million speakers)
  4. Arabic (274 million speakers)
  5. Bengali (265 million speakers)
  6. Russian (258 million speakers)
  7. French (235 million speakers)
  8. Portuguese (234 million speakers)
  9. Urdu (230 million speakers)
  10. Indonesian (198 million speakers)
Einsatz von Terminologie bei Tourismus Übersetzungen
Specialized terms in the tourism industry

Use of terminology for the tourism and travel industry

Since there is often more than one way to translate specialist terms, we maintain a multilingual terminology with definitions as well as other information for our regular customers. Good terminology saves time and contributes to translation quality. This is even more true when different people are working on a project over a longer period of time.

Automation saves time

How we organize your translation projects

Use of translation technologies for the tourism and travel industry

For larger and longer projects, time and cost are the key challenges. Here, technologies and appropriate workflows can make a decisive difference:

Our recommended process for the tourism and travel industry

Whether you are an international tour operator or a provider of global booking platforms, we can support you with a complete service for your translation needs:

Only from native speakers

Understandable and culturally appropriate translations

Qualifikationen unserer Fachübersetzer in der Reisebranche

Qualifications of our professional translators for the tourism and travel industry

We are convinced that translators are only good if they have sound specialist knowledge in addition to their purely linguistic qualifications. They must understand what is behind the words, both in the source and target language.

The English term “vacation” is to be used exclusively in the USA, or is the term “holiday” also applicable here? And is there a difference between “ground floor” or “first floor” in the UK and in the US?

Our translators are carefully vetted for their professional qualifications. As a service company that has been audited several times in accordance with the ISO 17100 standard, we have successfully demonstrated that the specialized qualifications and quality of the translators we use has always been met.

It goes without saying that we only use specialized translators who translate into their native language.

Translations for every need

We are also specialized in

Translations for the tourism industry in over 70 languages!

The languages we offer

Five arguments for D.O.G. GmbH
A translation agency that will leave you satisfied.

Contact us! In a non-binding online consultation, we will discuss what optimization potential exists in your company and what we can achieve together. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! You will be surprised!

Michael Gipperich - Kontaktperson

Get in touch with us!

In the tourism industry, it is not enough just to provide the right information. It is important to communicate understandably with people from other cultures. Let’s talk about how we can help you achieve this goal!

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